Chip Interpretations
2012 — Till Bovermann, Dave Griffiths
What does computation sound like, and how can computational processing be integrated into live-coding practice along with code? We tackled these questions in three years of artistic research and performance practice. Betablocker, an imaginary central processing unit architecture, specifically designed and implemented for live-coding purposes was the basis of our research. Chip interpretations attempts to find a coherent sonic gestalt of digital material, utilising a (fictional) CPU that treats arbitrary input data (encoded as a series of 8bit values) as its program on which it generates continuous sonic output.
Chip interpretation and live coding is the basis for various compositions and performances of Dave Griffiths and Till Bovermann.
Sound example — BBWS, Till Bovermann (2015) Link to heading
Publications Link to heading
- T. Bovermann and D. Griffiths. Computation as material in livecoding. Computer Music Journal, 38(1)2014.

- Affiliation:
- Aalto MediaLab